# Clinial Tools

# AML-G1-G8

  • Introduction

    Predictiton of the GEP-defined AML subtypes.

    G1: PML::RARA

    G2: CBFB::MYH11

    G3: RUNX1::RUNXT1

    G4: biCEBPA/-like

    G5: myelodysplasia-related/-like

    G6: HOX-committed

    G7: HOX-primitive

    G8: HOX-mixed## AML-G1-G6

  • Introduction

    Bagging models to predict the GEP-defined AML subtypes.

    G1: PML-RARA

    G2: CBFB-MYH11

    G3: RUNX1-RUNXT1

    G4: Bialleic CEBPA

    G5: ...

    G6: NPM1/KMT2A/NUP98...

  • Extra parameters

    Data normalization method: deseq2 vst or log2 (tpm + 1)

    Model: xgboost or autogluon

  • Other notes

    Gene symbols of models are based on the hg38 GENCODE v34 gene annotation file

    'label' row is only used to check results for users and will be automatically removed in the program

Last Updated: 1/9/2023, 2:35:57 PM