# Download

# Desktop Client

We build the desktop client of Hiplot (ORG) based on the Electron (opens new window). The demo data and UI components are fixed in the desktop client under the given version.

Latest release version:

## Error in file(path): invalid 'description' argument

Other releases of desktop client: here (opens new window)

# hctl

hctl is the command-line client of Hiplot (ORG) website. It can be used to draw plots without the web environment.

Latest release version (v0.1.7):

## Error in file(path): invalid 'description' argument

Other releases of hctl: here (opens new window)

It is required to login Hiplot (ORG) server first using the hctl login command. hctl plot command can be used to draw plots by using the parameter file and data files.

Demo input files of hctl can be download from here: demo.tar.gz (opens new window).

## Linux 64 Demo
mkdir /tmp/hiplot
cd /tmp/hiplot
wget https://hiplot.cn/download/hctl/v0.1.7/hctl_0.1.7_Linux_64-bit.tar.gz
wget https://hiplot.cn/download/hctl/_demo.tar.gz

tar -xzvf hctl_0.1.7_Linux_64-bit.tar.gz
tar -xzvf _demo.tar.gz

hctl login

# only input data files
hctl plot -c _demo/heatmap/config.json -t heatmap -d _demo/heatmap/countData.txt,_demo/heatmap/sampleInfo.txt,_demo/heatmap/geneInfo.txt -o /tmp/hiplot-pure-data-mode

# only use remote files
hctl plot -c _demo/heatmap/config2.json -t heatmap -o /tmp/hiplot-pure-remote-data-mode

# mixed usage
hctl plot -c _demo/heatmap/config3.json -t heatmap -d _demo/heatmap/countData.txt,,_demo/heatmap/geneInfo.txt -o /tmp/hiplot-mixed-mode

# hiplot exported params
hctl plot -p _demo/heatmap/params.json -t heatmap -o /tmp/hiplot-params-mode

# hiplot config 和 plot 命令联合
## show hctl supported plugins
hctl config -l
## download basic/tsne params
hctl config basic/tsne
## draw tsne graphics
hctl plot -p basic-tsne-params.json -o /tmp/hiplot-tsne

# Main Interface

## Command-line client to draw plots of [Hiplot](https://hiplot.cn) website. More see here https://github.com/hiplot.
## Usage:
##   hctl [flags]
##   hctl [command]
## Available Commands:
##   completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
##   config      Initializing a config.json file of hiplot application.
##   help        Help about any command
##   login       Login Hiplot Website.
##   plot        Plot functions of Hiplot Website.
## Flags:
##   -h, --help              help for hctl
##       --log-dir string    log dir. (default "/tmp/_log")
##   -o, --out-dir string    output dir. (default "/tmp")
##       --proxy string      HTTP proxy to query.
##       --save-log          Save log to file.
##   -k, --taskname string   task ID (default is random). (default "2d83429f-3d69-4968-b8d2-8f80040013f0")
##       --timeout int       set the timeout of per request. (default 35)
##       --verbose int       verbose level (0:no output, 1: basic level, 2: with env info) (default 1)
##   -v, --version           version for hctl
## Use "hctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

# Plot Interface

## Plot functions of Hiplot Website.
## Usage:
##   hctl plot [flags]
## Examples:
##   hctl plot -c _demo/heatmap/config.json -t heatmap -d _demo/heatmap/countData.txt,_demo/heatmap/sampleInfo.txt,_demo/heatmap/geneInfo.txt -o /tmp/hiplot-pure-data-mode
##   hctl plot -c _demo/heatmap/config2.json -t heatmap -o /tmp/hiplot-pure-remote-data-mode
##   hctl plot -c _demo/heatmap/config3.json -t heatmap -d _demo/heatmap/countData.txt,,_demo/heatmap/geneInfo.txt -o /tmp/hiplot-mixed-mode
##   hctl plot -p _demo/heatmap/params.json -t heatmap -o /tmp/hiplot-params-mode
##   hctl plot -p _demo/heatmap/params2.json -o /tmp/hiplot-params-mode2
##   hctl plot -p _demo/heatmap/basic-heatmap-params.json --load-example true -o /tmp/hiplot-params-mode3
##   hctl plot --check-task --temp-code QwbMBp7 --taskname 62919a54-ee68-49c4-b070-7384c60fb05f --tool clusterprofiler-go-kegg -m advance -o /tmp/clusterprofiler-go-kegg
##   hctl config basic/pca
##   hctl plot -p basic-pca-params.json --load-example true -o /tmp/pca1
##   hctl plot -p basic-pca-params.json --load-example 2 -o /tmp/pca2
##   hctl plot -p _demo/tsne/basic-tsne-params.json -o /tmp/hiplot-tsne --load-example true
## Flags:
##       --check-task            check task status, taskname and tmpcode are required.
##   -c, --config string         json format tool config file.
##   -d, --data string           data table file (sepreate by comma).
##   -h, --help                  help for plot
##       --load-example string   load example field (only work for hctl config export) (default "false")
##   -m, --module string         module name: basic, advance. (default "basic")
##   -p, --params string         json format tool params file (exported by Hiplot).
##       --print-links           print result links
##       --temp-code string      task tempcode. (default "MKrgMHd")
##   -t, --tool string           tool name (e.g. heatmap).
## Global Flags:
##       --log-dir string    log dir. (default "/tmp/_log")
##   -o, --out-dir string    output dir. (default "/tmp")
##       --proxy string      HTTP proxy to query.
##       --save-log          Save log to file.
##   -k, --taskname string   task ID (default is random). (default "3f75f4d3-e7f3-48e6-877b-fdbe18cd4c9f")
##       --timeout int       set the timeout of per request. (default 35)
##       --verbose int       verbose level (0:no output, 1: basic level, 2: with env info) (default 1)
Last Updated: 2/9/2023, 1:07:32 AM